
How Much Does It Cost To Repair A Brick Chimney

Chimney Repair Cost

Chimney repair costs $200 to $i,200 on average. Chimney crown or flashing repair costs $200 to $500, crown replacement costs $1,000 to $3,000, cap repair costs $200 to $700, chimney flue repair costs $250 to $1,000, and sealing and waterproofing leaks costs $150 to $400.

A chimney stack that goes unrepaired for likewise long may have to be removed ($800 – $2,000), rebuilt ($1,000 – $3,500), or replaced ($4,000 – $15,000).

Chimney Repair Cost Chart

Chimney Repair Cost
Repair Boilerplate Cost
Cracked Crown or Mortar Joints $150 – $500
Crown Replacement $1,000 – $three,000
Cap / Chase Encompass Replacement $200 – $700
Cracked Flue Tiles $250 – $1,000
Resurfacing Flue $two,000 – $3,500
Relining or Replacing Flue $900 – $seven,000
Rebuild Crumbling Brick / Spalling $1,000 – $three,500
Sealing / Waterproofing $150 – $400
Flashing Repair $200 – $500
Flashing Replacement $300 – $ane,500
Repair Leaning Stack $2,000 – $4,000
Remove Stack $800 – $2,000
Repoint / Tuckpointing $500 – $two,500
Parging $800 – $2,000
Woods Rot $200 – $two,000
Total Chimney Replacement $iv,000 – $fifteen,000
Earthquake Retrofit $ii,500 – $15,000

*Chimney sweeps may accuse $fifty to $100 per hr for small repairs instead of a flat rate. Labor costs depend on the location, accessibility, and scaffolding requirements.

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Tabular array of Contents


  1. Chimney Repair Cost
    • Crown Repair
    • Cap Repair
    • Flue Repair
    • Leak Repair
    • Flashing Repair
    • Leaning Stack
  2. Boilerplate Price of Chimney Repair Past Material
    • Brick Chimney
    • Stucco Chimney
  3. Chimney Repair Costs By Type
    • Cracks
    • Forest Rot
    • Parge
    • Spalling
    • Refacing
    • Repointing
    • Re-Mortar
  4. Chimney Maintenance
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Hiring A Chimney Repair Company
  7. Chimney Repair Near Me

Average chimney repair cost

Average Cost of Chimney Repair - Chart

Average price of chimney repair
National Average Toll $550
Minimum Price $150
Maximum Cost $iv,000
Average Range $200 to $1,200
  • Untreated cracks or leaks lead to water damage, rotting wood, chimney deterioration, and structural damage.
  • Small cracks collect creosote and increment the chances of fire.
  • A cracked flue is unsafe and tin leak hazardous gasses into the home, causing carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Avoid using a damaged chimney untill it's fixed.

Chimney Crown Repair Toll

Chimney crown repair costs $150 to $400 to fill up surface cracks with mortar or caulk and apply an elastomeric crown glaze sealer. Chimney crown resurfacing costs $600 to $1,200 to fix larger cracks, crumbling, and minor brickwork. Removing algae and moss buildup costs $100 to $300 more.

A chimney crown is a slab of physical that covers the height opening. The crown prevents water damage, protects the brick and mortar from deteriorating, and keeps sparks contained.

Chimney Crown Repair Cost - Chart

Chimney Crown Repair Cost
Repair Average Toll
Remove Moss & Algae $100 – $300
Repair Cracks & Seal $150 – $400
Remove & Reset Bricks $600 – $ane,200
Crown Replacement $i,000 – $3,000

A cracked chimney crown that goes unrepaired eventually leads to farther structural harm that requires a full crown replacement or rebuilding.

Chimney Crown With Structural Damage and Missing Pieces

Signs of a Damaged Chimney Crown

  • Water in the fireplace
  • Air drafts in the fireplace
  • Bad odors from the fireplace during hot weather
  • Interior walls showing wet damage
  • Damaged or moist mortar joints

Chimney Crown Replacement Cost

Chimney crown replacement costs $ane,000 to $3,000 on average, depending on the crown size, extent of damage, and accessibility. A chimney crown needs replacing if information technology has missing pieces or structural damage. A deteriorating crown leads to spalling bricks, which requires a partial rebuild, replacement, or removal.

A chimney crown made of bricks or porous material needs replacing as soon as possible. A proper chimney crown uses reinforced physical with an overhanging edge.

Chimney Hunt Cover or Cap Repair Toll

Chimney cap or hunt cover replacement costs $200 to $700 on average, depending on the material, dimensions, accessibility, and flavour. The chimney cap and cover protect the top of the chimney from debris, snow, rain, and animals and keep hot fireplace embers contained.

Contractor Repairing Metal Chimney Cap on Brick Chimney

Some chimney covers prevent downdraft and backdraft winds while others have wiring or grating as an additional defense force. For most amercement, a new chimney cap is installed.

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Chimney Flue Repair Cost

Minor chimney flue repairs cost $250 to $i,000 to supplant cracked tiles or fix mortar joints. Extensive repairs such as resurfacing or relining a flue price $2,000 to $7,000 on average.

A chimney flue directs smoke from the fireplace out the home. The flue may soften, crack, or deteriorate, leading to the inability to contain estrus, moisture, creosote, and flue gases, which tin be dangerous.

Chimney Flue Repair Cost - Chart

Chimney Flue Repair Cost
Repair Average Toll
Cracked Flue Tiles $250 – $one,000
Resurfacing Flue $2,000 – $3,500
Relining or Replacing Flue $900 – $7,000

Cracked Chimney Flue Repair Price

Cracked flue tile repair costs $80 to $120 per square foot or betwixt $250 and $1,000 to set up on boilerplate. Clay tiles are replaced, or mortar is used to seal cracks and holes. Repairing croaky flue tiles is a temporary solution, and the chimney flue somewhen needs relining or replacing.

A cracked flue is dangerous and can leak hazardous gasses into the home, causing carbon monoxide poisoning. Besides, small cracks can collect creosote and catch fire.

Chimney Lining Repair Cost

A full chimney flue resurfacing costs $two,000 to $3,500 on average. Sprayed on and slip coated flue systems are used for sealing or blanket a damaged liner that's structurally audio, simply should exist avoided when flue tiles are broken. Many professionals recommend installing a new flue liner instead.

Sealing or coating systems such as Thermocrete, HeatShield, FireGuard, or Smoktite are used for repairing mortar joints to a liner or in a smoke chamber every bit a parging cloth. However, these systems don't provide lasting structural support to internal masonry that's in poor condition.

Chimney Flue Relining or Replacement Cost

Relining or replacing a chimney liner costs $900 to $7,000, depending on the size, flue material, number of bends, and if the erstwhile liner needs removal. A new cast-in-place liner can be poured over cracked clay tiles to prepare structural damage.

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Chimney Leak Repair Cost

Leaking chimney repair costs $150 to $400 on average to fix along the roofline and crown. Water leak repair costs depend on the corporeality of damage and whether the chimney needs flashing, sealing, waterproofing, replacing mortar, or a cricket.

Leaking Chimney Repair Cost - Chart

Chimney Leak Repair Cost
Repair Average Price
Sealing or Waterproofing $150 – $400
Flashing Repair $200 – $500
Flashing Replacement $300 – $i,500
Install Cricket $200 – $ane,000

Chimney Flashing Repair Cost

Chimney flashing repair costs $200 to $500 to fix and reseal. The average cost to replace chimney flashing is $300 to $1,500, depending on the chimney type. Chimney flashing is a sail of metal installed around the base of operations where the roof and chimney meet to forbid leaking.

Chimney Flashing Repair Cost
Material Replacement Price
Metal Chimney $300 – $500
Stone and Masonry Chimney $500 – $1,500

Larger brick or stone chimney's that crave "flank" flashing downward the sides to the footing costs up to $2,000 to repair. A chimney sweep or a stonemason performs chimney flashing repairs.

Metal Chimney Flashing Repaired for Brick Chimney Stack

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Chimney Waterproofing Cost

Chimney waterproofing and sealing costs $150 to $400 on average. Cracks in brick are sealed with mortar, and then a waterproofing agent is applied with a sprayer. Experts may recommend waterproofing a chimney twice, depending on the porosity of the bricks.

  • All damaged mortar and cracks should be repaired before waterproofing.
  • Sealing a masonry chimney crown requires applying a crown coat, which is a flexible elastomeric coating.
  • If the brick is spalling, it's likewise belatedly to waterproof the chimney.

Chimney Cricket Toll

A chimney cricket costs $200 to $ane,000 to install on average, depending on the width, accessibility, roofing material, and roof pitch. Repairing a chimney cricket costs $700 to $1,300. A roof cricket diverts h2o effectually the chimney to prevent leaking and stops debris, snow, and ice from edifice upward.

Chimney Cricket Cost
Type Average Cost
Install New Cricket $200 – $1,000
Repair or Replace Cricket $700 – $1,300

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Leaning Chimney Repair Price

Leaning chimney stack repair costs $2,000 to $4,000 on average. A leaning or tilting chimney stack is acquired past a settling foundation, eroded mortar joints, or structural alterations. A small degree of lean is mutual, but a distinctive lean requires a safety inspection by a structural engineer.

A leaning chimney acquired past foundation damage requires installing helical piers for support. A severely leaning chimney stack with eroded mortar joints requires rebuilding or removing completely.

Leaning Chimney Repair Cost
Leaning Issue Average Cost
Severely Eroded Mortar Joints $i,000 – $3,500
Shifting or Settling Foundation $1,000 – $ii,000 per helical pier
Chimney Removal Cost $800 – $2,000

Even with a small-scale lean, cracks or gaps betwixt the chimney and siding crusade water damage and need to exist repaired and stabilized to preclude further problems.

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Boilerplate Cost of Chimney Repair By Material

Brick Chimney Repair Cost

Brick chimney repair costs $150 to $1,000 for minor cracks and crumbling. Brickmasons accuse $40 to $threescore per square foot or $xx to $thirty per brick that'south removed and replaced. Refacing or rebuilding a spalling brick chimney costs $1,000 to $3,500 from the crown downwardly to the roofline.

Brick Chimney Repair Toll
Repair Average Cost
Cracked Bricks (10 or less) $150 – $500
Cracked Bricks That Require Resetting $600 – $i,000
Mortar Repair $200 – $ii,000
Crumbling or Spalling Brick $1,000 – $three,000
Complete Replacement $4,000 – $15,000

Stucco Chimney Repair Cost

The average price to repair stucco is $500 to $one,500 or between $8 to $50 per foursquare pes, depending on the extent of chimney damage. Stucco chimney repair fills damaged areas and provides a smooth waterproof surface. A stucco coating extends the life of an quondam chimney by covering weathered brick and mortar joints.

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Chimney Repair Costs By Type

Chimney Repair Costs By Blazon
Repair Average Toll
Cracks $150 – $3,000
Wood Rot $200 – $2,000
Parging $800 – $2,000
Spalling $1,000 – $3,000
Refacing $1,000 – $3,500

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Chimney Crack Repair Cost

Small-scale chimney cracks in the crown or mortar joints cost $150 to $500 to repair. Big cracks, spalling, or structural harm costs $600 to $3,000 to rebuild the chimney, depending on the extent of the repair.

Chimney Crack Repair Cost - Chart

Chimney Crack Repair Cost
Repair Boilerplate Price
Small Cracks in Crown or Mortar Joints $150 – $500
Large Cracks Requiring Brick Removal and Resetting $600 – $one,000
Severe Spalling & Structural Impairment $1,000 – $3,000

Cracks in a brick masonry chimney are caused by improper construction, h2o leaks, chimney movement, and thermal expansion.

  • Croaky bricks cost $20 to $30 per brick to remove and supplant.
  • If a lot of bricks are cracked or chipped, the chimney may have astringent water damage issues.
  • Minor cracks in joints can be repaired with brick mortar or tuckpointing.

Is A Cracked Chimney Dangerous?

A cracked chimney chest or stack allows heat, wet, and gases to escape, which deteriorates the chimney. A cracked chimney flue allows poisonous gases and smoke to escape into the home. Untreated cracks lead to farther great, structural damage, and increases the chances of fire.

Chimney Forest Rot Repair Price

Minor Wood rot around a chimney costs $200 to $500 on boilerplate to fix. Extensive wood rot damage costs $1,000 to $2,000 to partially rebuild a rotted wall, depending on the severity and how far information technology spread laterally. If the wood rot is causing a structural risk, the chimney needs complete rebuilding, replacement, or removal.

Chimney Wood Rot Repair Cost
Repair Average Cost
Minor $200 – $500
All-encompassing $1,000 – $2,000

Cost To Parge Chimney

The average cost to parge a chimney is $800 to $2,000. Parging coats the smoke chamber with mortar to amend rubber, increase structural integrity and operation, and reduce the amount of creosote buildup.

Chimney Spalling Repair Toll

Chimney spalling repair costs $1,000 to $three,000 on average, depending on the severity. Spalling occurs when moisture enters the masonry or bricks, causing it to cleft, crumble, and lose its structural integrity. Spalling repair requires replacing bricks and mortar joints and applying a waterproof sealant.

Chimney Spalling Repair Cost - Chart

Chimney Spalling Repair Cost
Repair Average Toll
Minor Cracks and Aging $800 – $i,200
Severe Deterioration of Brickwork $2,000 – $three,000+

Spalling should be addressed immediately as spalled bricks cause other bricks to deteriorate. When spalling is left untreated, the chimney may have to be removed, rebuilt, or replaced.

  • Minor cracks only need a waterproof sealant.
  • Astringent spalling requires new bricks, mortar, sealing, and a new chimney cap.
  • Spalling progresses more rapidly in freezing climates.
  • Cracks in chimney crowns tin atomic number 82 to spalling bricks.

Chimney Refacing Toll

A chimney rebuild costs $1,000 to $3,500 on average to reface all the bricks or stucco from the crown to the roofline. Refacing a chimney'south bricks is labor-intensive work that provides stability to the chimney stack and prevents future cracks and spalling.

HeatShield Chimney Repair Cost

HeatShield's flue sealant costs $2,000 to $3,500, depending on the extent of repairs. HeatShield'due south slip coated "Cerfractory" sealant patches parts of a chimney by sealing cracks and coving deterioration. HeatShield'southward foam smoke chamber sealant costs upwards to $1,250 when professionally applied.

Earthquake Retrofit Chimney

Earthquake retrofit for a chimney costs $2,500 to $15,000 for mitigation ranging from simple removal to replacement with a low-cal-framed firebox and chimney. After convulsion damage, replacing a masonry chimney with a framed stack costs $6,000 to $eighteen,000, depending on the acme.

Chimney harm is the virtually common effect during larger quakes. If an older brick chimney sustains damage in an earthquake, the chimney must be replaced or at least retrofitted to meet stronger codes.

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Chimney Pointing Cost

Repointing and tuckpointing involve digging out mortar joints and refilling with new mortar. Repointing repairs damage, and tuckpointing blends the mortar to match the bricks and make it visually highly-seasoned.

Toll To Repoint Chimney Stack

The boilerplate toll to repoint a chimney stack is $500 to $2,500. Repointing costs depend on the chimney's size, width of mortar impairment, and accessibility. Repointing repairs the aging and damaged mortar joints on brickwork, which helps support the stack and prevent further impairment.

Additional repairs may be required, such as repairing the tiles or painting the chimney's external layer.

Chimney Tuckpointing Cost

The average price to tuckpoint a chimney is $500 to $2,500, depending on the chimney's size and accessibility. Tuckpointing involves filling in mortar joints to match the bricks so that it blends seamlessly. Tuckpointing is similar to repointing merely is not always used to repair damage.

Cost To Re-Mortar Chimney

Mortar repair costs $2 to $four per square foot plus $50 per hour for labor to re-mortar a chimney and patch any cracked bricks. A basic mortar repair costs $200 to $400 if amercement are establish early. As temperatures change, mortar joints aggrandize and contract causing cracks and crumbling.

Contractor Repairing Brick Chimney Mortar Joints

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Chimney Maintenance

Regular chimney maintenance defends against costly repairs. Maintenance is recommended annually to go along the chimney prophylactic and in working condition to prevent fires.

Chimney Maintenance Cost
Maintenance Average Toll
Chimney Inspection $55 – $250
Chimney Cleaning + Inspection $150 – $250
Chimney Removal $800 – $2,000
  • A chimney sweep costs $150 to $250 per cleaning and must be swept at least once a year to keep in safe working order.
  • A chimney inspection costs $55 to $250 on average, depending on the level, type, and roof accessibility.
  • A damaged chimney stack tin be unsafe and should be removed or rebuilt. Chimney removal costs $800 to $2,000 for demolishing the stack to a higher place the roofline.
  • Repair all cracks and leaks immediately and brand sure the chimney is waterproof.
  • Make sure the mortar joints and bricks are not crumbling.
  • Continue the chimney capped and fauna-costless.
  • Make certain the fireplace damper functions properly to keep out drafts when not in use.

Signs of Chimney Problems

Signs that indicate the need to repair a chimney are:

  • Cracked, spalling, or aging bricks
  • Brick and crown weathering
  • Freeze/thaw damage—mostly in the mortar
  • Flue gases and smoke non escaping entirely or leaking back into the house
  • Water in the fireplace and drywall moisture/damage
  • Creosote and soot buildup or chimney fire
  • Air drafts in the fireplace
  • Bad smells from the chimney during hot weather condition
  • Contempo earthquake or lightning strike

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Repairs Chimneys?

A chimney sweep or mason best performs chimney repairs. Chimney sweeps can inspect, clean, repair, and install a flue, crown, cap, and damper. Roofers practice not have extensive experience required for chimney inspections or repairs.

Does Chimney Repair Require A Permit?

Permits are non required for routine services such equally chimney sweeps or annual inspections. Chimney repairs typically require a permit for:

  • Jobs that require chimney access through masonry
  • Chimney demolition or removal of components
  • Extensive masonry repairs

Does Homeowner's Insurance Comprehend Chimney Repair?

Homeowners' insurance policies practice not encompass general chimney repairs due to normal clothing and tear. Chimney repairs are typically covered by homeowners' insurance if harm occurs due to an unexpected upshot, such equally a lighting strike, chimney fire, or tornado.

Practise Storms or Air current Crusade Chimney Damage?

Storms or high winds can impairment a chimney that's not structurally sound. Astringent windstorms and tornados can loosen large chunks of brick and mortar from chimneys in poor condition. Installing a air current draft chimney cap for $50 to $300 helps avoid wind backdraft down the chimney.

How Much Does Chimney Restoration Cost?

Chimney restoration costs $200 to $fifteen,000, depending on the extent of the impairment.

  • Minor repairs such as cracks, resurfacing, and sealing costs $200 to $one,000 on boilerplate.
  • A chimney rebuild costs $1,000 to $iii,500 from the crown to the roofline.
  • A full chimney replacement costs $4,000 to $15,000.

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Hiring A Chimney Repair Visitor

Before hiring a chimney repair contractor, exist certain to:

  • Go at least 3 in-person estimates to compare.
  • Ask for recommendations from family, friends, and neighbors.
  • Read reviews and check out their previous work on HomeGuide, Google, and the Meliorate Concern Bureau (BBB).
  • Select companies that are insured, bonded, and accept been in concern for longer than five years.
  • Choose companies that are certified with the CSIA (Chimney Prophylactic Institute of America).
  • Avoid selecting the lowest quote every bit quality may suffer.
  • For big jobs, ask for a written contract and warranty.
  • Avoid making big payments upfront. Come with a payment schedule for the piece of work completed.

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Go costless estimates

  • Paxton, Albert S. "2019 National Repair and Remodeling Computer." (2019). PDF file.
  • Pray, Richard. "2019 National Construction Estimator." (2019). PDF file.
  • Actual Project Costs Reported Past 156 HomeGuide Members. (2020).
  • Do I Need My Chimney Crown Sealed Or Repaired? (2019).
  • What to Do When Your Chimney Has Spalling Brick. (2020).
  • Best Mode to Waterproof a Chimney. (2019).
  • What Causes Cracks in a Chimney? (2016).
  • Chimney Maintenance and Repair Costs: Chimney Flashing, Spalling. (2019).
  • Chimney Flue Coating Scams. (2019).
  • How Much Does It Cost To Reline A Chimney? (2016).
  • What is the toll to repair a chimney crown in Chicago? (2017).
  • How Much Does A Chimney Sweep Cost? (2020).
  • Chimney Stacks, Lean on Me! (2018).
  • Chimney Repair And Rebuild. (2020).
  • Leaning Chimney. (2018).
  • How Much Does It Cost To Reline A Chimney? (2016).
  • Recommendations for Mitigation of Chimney Hazards. (2015). PDF File.
  • Masonry Chimney Crack Inspection & Diagnosis. (n.d.).
  • Cap & Chimney Crown Repair/Replacement. (2020).
  • How much should it cost to replace flashing effectually a chimney? (2014.).
  • How much does it price to repair h2o harm to the exterior siding on a chimney stack? (2014).


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